Friday 13 February 2009

Darwin, women, the church...and an unintentional rant!

So it seems Darwin may actually have been right after all, the Catholic church says. Science and religion aren't necessarily at odds. Some influential theologians saw evidence for evolution long before the Origin of Species was written. Christian doesn't mean creationist*.

Well about time too.

I hope people actually listen to statements like this and get the message. Christians aren't weirdos who deny all modern science and insist on believing fairy tales in the face of logical evidence. Yes, some Christian beliefs may sound odd, (people being raised from the dead? A God who's simultaneously three and one? What's all that about?) but we're not hopelessly outdated people trying to maintain medieval beliefs and values in the face of all the odds. The church has much to say that's relevant to people here and now, in today's postmodern world.

The sooner the world realises this, and starts taking us seriously rather than laughing us out the door, the better. The sooner some sections of the church realise it the better too.

If only this was the only story about the church that's in the news at present. What the rest of the world must make of some Anglicans' views on women bishops I dread to think. If some C of E members think women shouldn't be in authority, or allowed to teach, how do they reconcile their consciences with female doctors, teachers (especially in Sunday schools!), judges or even a female Prime Minister?

We're looking at a world that's reeling from the shock of global economic recession. I think God wants to use this to speak to the world- to show what a mess we've got ourselves into with (let's be honest) no idea how to get ourselves out. How the human race has wasted its resources and made life hell for some people at the same time as others have had millions to waste. To call us back to his love that will restore the world. The church should be there, ready to listen to God, to do his work by helping people, and setting an example of what human life should be like. Are we up to it? Not as we are. But with God's help, we can be.

Ooh, unintentional rant. Sorry! I didn't mean to write that last paragraph when I started, it just sort of slipped out. Make of that what you will.
And before you start worrying, I don't actually read the Telegraph. I found the story here.

*In the sense of denying scientific evidence for evolution in favour of a too-literal reading of Genesis.

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