Monday 30 March 2009

Administrators Anonymous

Hello, my name is Lois, and I am an administrator.

For some time now I have been struggling to controll the irresistable urges I get to organise everything and everyone. Sometimes I just can't avoid giving in to the longings I get, the desires to get out there and write minutes, make lists, create spreadsheets and charts, organise meetings, send emails and generally badger everyone into making decisions.

It makes life difficult: whenever I see sloppy organisation or meetings where the discussion just slips from one topic to another without making decisions...I just want to interrupt and get things done! I know it's not always polite, and can be highly annoying for my friends. I just see that things would be so much easier if only I could do this or that...

Now in many ways being organised and capable of managing others (well, to some extent!) is a good thing. I like knowing what's going on, when I have to do things, where I have to be. And I can cope with people or organisations who aren't as organised as I am.

But I don't like the idea I might annoy people by seeming to usurp their job or imply they're not capable of doing what they're supposed to! So if you're one of those people, sorry. If I've pushed in front of you to organise or take over something that's not really my business, sorry. Hope you don't mind! I can't help it- I do it on compulsion!

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