Well, we have a new government. Actually, unlike many people I don't think it's taken all that long since the election, I know that in some other countries it can take much longer. And again unlike many people I think that since the election all the party leaders have acted properly, and come to a reasonable conclusion. Whether or not the system that got them there is fair is another matter, but at the moment it's the one we've got to use. While I would like to see a different system looked at, in this case I'm not sure it would have made a vast difference to the end result. While there aspects of this government's policy that I really don't like, I can see that it could have been much worse.
But for now we have a government that under the current system can claim legitimacy. Perhaps we don't like its' leaders, or its' policies. But there is one thing that we can and should do, whether we like the government or not, and that is pray. Pray that the politicians will have the best interests of the country at heart and will act for that motive, not for their own aggrandisement or enrichment.
Pray for Gordon Brown, stepping back from a difficult job and for his family, as they adjust to life outside number 10.
Pray for David Cameron, taking on the responsibilities of leading the country, and for his family, as they get used to living inside the goldfish bowl of 10 Downing Street. Pray for the new cabinet members and government ministers as they settle in to their new roles. Pray for Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems who probably weren't expecting as much to be taking their places round the cabinet table!
Pray that the parties can work together for the good of the people of this country and beyond. Pray for greater fairness of opportunity, in healthcare, in education, in employment. Pray for those who influence the media. Pray that the country will not get so caught up in fear of the future that they are unable to do anything in the present.
Searching biblegateway.com for references to government, the passage that struck me was from Daniel, where Daniel's opponents tried to find anything to use to smear him, but were unable to. Daniel 6 shows a court that's scarily reminiscent of modern politics. "Finally these men said, "We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God." (Daniel 6 verse 5). Wouldn't it be great if we could say the same about our leaders? You'll call me naive, I'm sure, but let's pray that our politicians are more like Daniel, and less like the jealous satraps.
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