Friday, 6 August 2010

A question

Amidst all the furore over the debate on women bishops, could I ask a question, hoping that someone out there with more knowledge than I can answer it?  Does anyone have any figures showing what percentage of the Church of England is opposed to women bishops?  Not just synod, or clergy, but the feeling among actual church members?  Because I think that's something which has got lost. 

Most of the comment we've heard has come from bishops and clergy, or at most lay members of synod.  And I think as a result the proportion of people opposed has been overstated.  I'd be interested to hear more of the 'view from the pew'.  The internet and blogs are good for that, but most recently have understandably been commenting on the views expressed in synod.  What do ordinary people think?  Has anyone even asked? 

So if anyone can point me towards information, please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. As far as I know, this data does not exist. There has been a survey of the UK population, which I would guess is closely aligned to the CofE grass roots view, but I don't think any survey of congregations has been done. I covered the opinion poll here (and made the same point as you have above!)


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